U is for Used Car Sales
Sell a car be a star.
That is the mantra for every car salesmen out there. The most vile of the bunch of course are used car salesmen. Unless you have worked in the auto industry and especially for a used car lot, you have no idea just how depraved the mind set can be of these individuals.
They will tell you anything to make a sale. Anything. I truly believe they have sold their soul several times. After all, if anyone can sell one thing over and over, it's a used car guy.
Most used car salesmen owe back taxes, spousal support to a couple ex-wives, maybe child support, and have an addiction to some kind of substance. It is a rare few that don't fall into this lifestyle. I know 3. The rest? Holy Hell! Stay away. Even the ones that seem to have it all together, making the money, and driving the nice cars are in debt and hooking up with anyone that is dumb enough to believe their stories.
Desperation and greed over takes their ability to conduct an honest transaction. When going on a small janky used auto lot, be cautious. Take that test drive and don't let them pressure you. Do your research and know your credit score. Shop around and look at what that make and model is going for at other car lots. Carfax is only as good as what gets reported but it's still nice to see one.
As long as you know ahead of time what you are dealing with when it comes to the car salesmen, you will be way ahead of the game.
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