
Gemini May 22- June 21

The Twins...The tarot card associated with Gemini is The Lovers.

The sun sign. Element is air

Geminis are known to be clever, imaginative, and energetic. On the flip side they are also know to be restless, devious, and superficial.

Imaginative and devious? Holy hell! Watch out! 

A Gemini woman is very demanding in regards to sex and relationships. If she isn't given what she demands, she will move on to the next and the next until she finds one who will fulfill her desires. 

A Gemini man tends to be flirty and adventurous. Just because you won his attention does not mean you have won his heart. If you are looking for an amazing fling, a Gemini man is for you.

So basically Gemini women are man eaters and Gemini men are players.

Proceed with caution in the romance arena. 


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