
Showing posts from April, 2014

U is for Used Car Sales

Sell a car be a star.  That is the mantra for every car salesmen out there. The most vile of the bunch of course are used car salesmen. Unless you have worked in the auto industry and especially for a used car lot, you have no idea just how depraved the mind set can be of these individuals.  They will tell you anything to make a sale. Anything. I truly believe they have sold their soul several times. After all, if anyone can sell one thing over and over, it's a used car guy.  I worked in the industry for a few years in the office. Fortunately I didn't have to be involved with the sales process but I certainly learned a lot. I learned that if you were a cute dancer from the local gentlemen's club you could get a car with little down payment. Dance for the boys in the back and maybe a little more and guess what? You are driving home today! Think I'm kidding? Okay.  Most used car salesmen owe back taxes, spousal support to a couple ex-wives, maybe child...

T is for Tangerine Speedo

I was going to do a post on Taurus but as I was looking up info on that Zodiac sign I remembered this little number. Not the best song in the world, in fact it is pretty bad. I had a friend who would sing this song to make me laugh. It worked every time! Here's to you Jeremy!

R is for Respect

R- E -S -P- E- C- T Find out what it means to me. I hate that song. Sorry not a big Aretha fan here. Yet it is the song that comes time mind when people talk about respect. Here is what I'm finding out about what respect really means to people. Everyone wants it but no one wants to give it citing "respect is earned.". Okay well if everyone expects respect, how are they earning it? To an extent respect has to be earned. This does not give free reign on being a jerk face to your boss if he doesn't have your respect. He is still your boss. The one that gets paid to make sure you do your job right. He may be the biggest creep in the world. Still your boss. I'm not saying to tolerate hostile working conditions or harassment, just pick your battles. Here is the respect I love people throwing around. I knew this woman, oh my god this woman was easier to make than toast! Anyway, she loves to get on chat/dating sites to "meet and mingle". She will post...

Q is for Quizzes

The not so newest craze is taking that quiz and posting your results on Facebook, Twitter, and maybe still Myspace? Is that still around? According to the many quizzes I have taken in desperation of finding out my true identity, I have uncovered some exciting things I never knew about myself. I'm ~ Fleetwood Mac A Rose Wine Chelsea Handler or Tina Fey (I forget exactly which one) A Dragon Dating a burn out from a John Hughes Movie Red Living in the wrong town Not as much of an asshole as I thought. Kind of a music snob Whoa! How did I ever get through life up to this point not knowing all this valuable information? Thank the gods for Buzzfeed ! All sarcasm aside, I like many others, enjoy taking these quizzes and at times get irritated with the results because it isn't a true reflection of myself. Seriously, a burn out for a boyfriend? Pahleeze I do have friends that get "cool" results and post them in efforts to reinforce their coolness from hi...

S is for Scorpio

Scorpio ~ The Scorpion October 24 ~ November 22 The tarot card associated with Scorpio is the Death card. No need for fret. The Death card is not as bad as it may seem. Scorpios are the most sexual of the Zodiac signs. It is a geeky rumor that most serial killers and sociopaths are Scorpios. I know a few and although I'm sure they are capable of slicing and dicing, they are really kind and generous individuals. Just don't piss them off. Scorpio Female ~ Hell hath no fury than a Scorpio woman scorned. Fortunately she is rarely scorned. Play her like a game and she will leave you like a joke. In the meantime she will set your sheets on fire. Figuratively or literally, your choice. Scorpio Male ~ Love sex! They are adventurous and will try anything once. They are also jealous. So... make sure if you are dating a Scorpio do not even think about looking at anything or anyone other than them.

P is for Pisces

Pisces ~ The Fish February 19 - March 20 The element for Pisces is water. The tarot card associated with Pisces is The Moon Female Pisces are laid back and give the illusion that they will tolerate anything. Don't take a Piscean woman for granted. You may think she has no boundaries but she will only put up with so much before she blows up. Piscean women are devoted friends and lovers. One of the more sincere of the Zodiacs. There is more to them than meets the eye and they are prone to trailing off in thought. Male Pisces are very romantic and tend to be on the shy side. This shyness is sometimes confused with lack of back bone but the Piscean male has plenty of that and more. Like the Female Pisces, the male is very intuitive and thoughtful. I picture a sickie sweet couple possibly wearing matching outfits, in and outside the bedroom. Come on... I had to say something snarky and it isn't easy to do that with this sign. :)

O is for Ocean

It's no secret that I love the ocean. Everything about it. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore.  My toes in the sand. The early morning sea breeze. This isn't me and it's doubtful she is even near the ocean. I like the picture. Pure bliss. I am very excited to be going to Long Beach at the end of this month. It may be for only a couple of days and for business, I may not even be able to put my feet in sand.. but I will be just as happy. I have even dedicated a couple of boards on my Pinterest to the wonderful ocean and ocean life. Redondo Beach Cliff House Beach in San Francisco The ocean. It makes me smile. :)

N is for Negativity

Oh my gods do I have some catching up to do!  Had some bumps in the road this past week and my posts have been neglected. Oh! Another topic starting with N! Too late, this one is on Negativity. My niece recently entered into her second year of being a teenager. Oh yes.. to be a teenage girl filled with angst and the weight of the world on our shoulder.  My niece is not exception. Despite her efforts of being a loner and uninteresting and even..... negative, she couldn't seem to keep that persona long during my last visit. I by nature am not a negative person. Some who know me will disagree because they mistake me being realistic as negativity. Let's put it this way, I don't look at life with rose colored glasses. So back to my niece. While waiting for my sister, her mom to get gas, I asked my dear one how she was doing. Of course I received the same response. None. She wouldn't even look at me. Instead of my usual "oh my god, I just asked you a question....

M is for Monday

I know it's Tuesday but today's letter is M and instead of talking about my estranged sister Mari, I figured a post about Monday would be much more interesting. If you have ever met my sister you would know exactly what I'm talking about.  So here we go! dies lunea- Latin for Day of The Moon. Monday was considered the Moon's Day. I like Friday or previously known as Freya's Day but that is another topic all together.  Anyhoo, I'm sure we are all familiar with this nursery rhyme; How can anyone not love Monday? Whenever I find myself hating on Mondays I think of this song.                                                                   "Monday, Monday" Monday, Monday, so good to me; Monday morning, it was all I hoped it would be. Oh, Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee T...

L is for Leo

Leo ~ The Lion July 23 - August 22 You can't miss them. Fire is the element of Leo and their presence is exactly that, hot. They take over a room with that smile and gleam in their eyes. They will make you feel like you are the most important person in the room.  Leo's are intoxicating.   They are encouraging, generous, and ambitious. They are also stubborn, pretentious, and vain. Leo's are social butterflies and love to be the center of attention.  Leo Females are sexually adventurous as well as extremely great in the sack. They love sexy lingerie and will rock your world. Dating a Leo woman? Take a spin class, you'll need it! Leo Males are tend to be the King of the Jungle in the bedroom. No one before them or after them will ever satisfy you the same way. A legend in their own mind. They have fragile egos so if your Leo man is all talk with little delivery, distract him by telling him he has nice hair. 

K is for Kindred Spirit

"We are kindred spirits, you and I."  That magical connection you feel with another person. You sync on a greater level than  you do with others.  Soul Mate?  How many of us have had this encounter? Did you know it is possible to find a kindred spirit in a friend or family member? Kindred spirits are not just found through a romantic encounter but anyone that gives us that zen feeling when we are with them. Those that know exactly what we are thinking before we say a word. They have the same outlook on life as we do. No compromises. Almost separated at birth.  I have met a few kindred spirits in my day and all encounters were unforgettable. One was of a romantic nature. My other encounters were with friends I have met on different occasions. Some I still see on a regular basis and one I haven't heard from in years. I am at peace with that because when I do see them, it will be like no time has passed. Does everyone have a kindred spirit/s...

J is for Judgement

Today's tarot card is Judgement and it is pulled from a very amazing deck, Deviant Moon. Card #20 in the Major Arcana Keywords:  A change in consciousness Clarity In readings, this card can be a reminder that judgments are necessary; sometimes you  must  decide. At such moments, it is best to consider the matter carefully and then commit yourself without reserve. If you are being judged yourself, learn from the process. Take what is of value, correct what needs correcting, but never lose sight of your worth. Judgment also stands for the feelings that come with salvation. The past and its mistakes are behind you, and you are ready to begin anew. You may even feel a calling - a personal conviction of what you are meant to do. If you are in a low period, in need of hope and absolution, Judgement can show you that renewal is at hand. This card can be very difficult to read because it represents a final decision. The person is at a point in their life to e...


So it is day 10 of our A to Z blog challenge.... I'm not sure about the rest of you challenge takers but I am finding the river of inspiration isn't always flowing as constant or swiftly as I would like it too.  Having a blog that I can post just about anything kind of helps. I even made a list of topics last month to give me a jump start. Some I stuck with and others I change as I go along. What I find great about being in this challenge is it really forces me to hone in on what inspires me. Tarot and Astrology seem to be coming out more and more in my posts. I hope you enjoy my take on these subjects.  As the month goes on I hope to bring in more things that inspire me and perhaps stay with me throughout my blogging endeavors.  What inspires you? Touches your heart?  is it... Music? Nature?  I listen to music while writing. My home office view is of a beautiful tree right outside my window. In fact, my original topic was going to be I...

The Hierophant

Since I have been posting some entries regarding the Zodiac, I thought I would share some Tarot Cards.  The Hierophant or more popularly know as The High Priest represents the pursuit of knowledge. Honoring a ritual and ceremony and/or following a discipline. This can be in a church or secular setting.  In addition to spiritual learning through churches and temples; there are other ways such as schools, clubs, teams, or societies. The Hierophant represents all of these groups.   The card indicates the need to stay within conventional bounds. When this card shows up in a reading it can indicate there is a struggle with a force that is not innovative or an individual. It also represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card stands for institutions and their values. Depending on the surrounding cards and the position of this card in a reading, it can tell us if we need to embrace a tradition or just simply trust in ourselves. 


Gemini May 22- June 21 The Twins...The tarot card associated with Gemini is The Lovers. The sun sign. Element is air Geminis are known to be clever, imaginative, and energetic. On the flip side they are also know to be restless, devious, and superficial. Imaginative and devious? Holy hell! Watch out!  A Gemini woman is very demanding in regards to sex and relationships. If she isn't given what she demands, she will move on to the next and the next until she finds one who will fulfill her desires.  A Gemini man tends to be flirty and adventurous. Just because you won his attention does not mean you have won his heart. If you are looking for an amazing fling, a Gemini man is for you. So basically Gemini women are man eaters and Gemini men are players. Proceed with caution in the romance arena. 

F is for Friendship

When a real-life friend deletes you as a contact on a social media site. Have you ever had this done to you? Was it after a fight on the phone or in person? Better yet, over a post? Did they delete you without notice? Have you deleted someone just to have them request your online friendship again?  Believe it or not this happens all the time. Today people don't just stop talking to each other after a falling out, they delete them. Sometimes the act of the delete causes the falling out. Have we distanced ourselves so much from each other that the way to break up a friendship or even a relationship is through a social media site?  I had someone that I considered a good friend stop interacting with me on Facebook. I didn't take it serious or personal because nothing strange happened between us. I am very busy and so are they. The next thing I knew, they delete me as a friend. Out of the blue. I called,  texted, and even emailed trying to get an answer. This was no...

E Is For Egyptian

Ever since I was young I have loved anything Egyptian. In my house today, every room has a statue of an Egyptian god or symbol. I even wear an Eye of Horus amulet around my neck.   Mini Bast Bast is an Egyptian goddess and said to be the daughter of Ra. A scarab beetle I found at a shop in Midtown. Imported from Egypt. Bast again but larger and from Ross. They have some great finds for home decor. I also have two statues of Anubis but they needed to be dusted.... so no pic today folks. hahaha I find their religion to be fascinating. I even have a copy of the Book of the Dead.  What ancient religion do you find fascinating?

D is for Deception

Today is National Tell A Lie Day or as my ex-boyfriend would say, "Saturday". Get it? Cause it's really Friday but  he is a liar? Ha ha ha ha Yes, I do explain my jokes and laugh at them.  Although there are many forms of deception, we will focus on lying. Why do people lie? Some say they only lie to spare a person's feelings. Others really don't give a reason and go as far as saying they don't lie at all. Everyone lies at some point in their life. If someone says they never lie, they just lied to themselves.  There are little "white" lies. "does this dress make me look fat?" "no dear, it looks fine." Unless you are Al Bundy and point out that it isn't the dress that makes you look fat, it's the fat that makes you look fat. This isn't any "honesty" blog post so we will move along. "There are some good people. But a good chunk of them will lie for no reason at all - it'll be ten o'c...


Capricorn ~ The Goat December 22 - January 20 This zodiac sign is a sign of stability, calmness, and maturity. Individuals born under this sign are typically not risk takers. They are kind and considerate but will flip out on you in a flash. The tarot for Capricorn is The Devil. Symbol of control and addiction. Okay.... Capricorn Women are traditional in most aspects of their life. Stubborn and rarely can be lead in a different direction. Sexually they are, well lets just say after she sheds that business suit and sensible undies... watch out! It's on like Donkey Kong! Capricorn Men are typically conservative and follow the rules. They tend to be "loners" or have few in their circles. Some have the appearance of being cold and emotionally aloof, but it is more of a defense tactic. They take love seriously and are not usually players or cheaters. In the bedroom they are surprisingly "effective". They "bring it" so to speak. Go Capricorns...

Big Is Beautiful

Okay, we have all seen the memes. The motivational memes that give us the encouragement to love the bodies we were given. I think it is great to embrace what you are and who you are. Shout it from the mountaintops and don't let anyone make you feel like you are garbage.  Here is where it gets a little too much. All these big and beautiful women out there posting statuses like "Real mean love curves, bones are for dogs". Really? That is how we choose to invoke our inner plus size goddess?  First of all real men love real women. It doesn't matter size they happen to be. It doesn't matter what they look like. Anyone that treats anyone poorly simply on their looks needs to take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror.  So why are we attacking slender women? Threat? Sure it is. I haven't been a plus size woman my whole life. I didn't go through high school chubby. I was thin, super thin in fact that I couldn't find clothes that didn't make me lo...


Aries March 21- April 20 Depicted by the ram, a symbol of male fertility, aggression, and courage. Aries is the first zodiac sign and quite a handful. The tarot that represents Aries is The Emperor. Aries is a fire sign. Everything about this sign denotes strength and a lot of stubbornness.  Sexually the Aries woman is adventurous and usually takes the reigns. Let her. Sexually the Aries man is needs it all the time. Seriously. So if you have a "headache" better make it believable or his ego will be shattered. Basically if you are an Aries you are strong willed, a born leader, and take no crap from anyone. The best friend a person can have or the worst enemy. Also you need lots and lots of sex.  You know what I picture? A woman that is bat $h!t crazy and an oversexed frat boy ramming each other.   ha ha ha, see what I did there?