Fat or Fit At 45 ~ What I Learned From the Past 6 Months

So It's been six months since I initially posted Fit or Fat at 45. I had a lot of hopes and determination. I still do. Although I am not where I want to be health/weight wise, I have made progress. I have dropped about 5 lbs. and lost six inches. I have to remember that it took me ten years to get this weight on and it isn't going to take six months to lose it. I'm not trying to be a size zero or have the "thigh gap",  I just want to be able to paint my toe nails. Reach my toes.  

Well through the course of the last few months I have continued to change my eating habits, kept drinking the same amount of alcohol and didn't increase my activity as much as I should have to reach my already aggressive goals. "Keep doing the things you always do and expect different results." Sound familiar?  
So instead of jumping on the bandwagon with all the proud to be plus-sized women or feeling sorry for myself, I'm going to keep on keeping on!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Dietary Aides 
I started a supplement plan in April. Plexus Slim.
It’s an all natural way to lose weight and you don't have to worry about taking a pill with this meal and drink a shake for 3 days or all the other crazy concoctions that are out there these days. It's a packet that you put in a bottle of water. Before or after breakfast. That's it. Easy. Since my other lifestyle changes are much more difficult, I need easy steps in the supplement area. 
Yesterday was my first day at Mama Bootcamp. It's is around the corner from my house and I got a Groupon for a great deal on six weeks/unlimited personal training. I am sore. Very sore. I have been through this before. I workout and am sore and then workout a little more and then start to feel good and after awhile... "eh, I can skip a workout to day." thoughts kick in. Now with a trainer? No luck. I signed a piece of paper saying I would commit. I even got a blue folder. I also invested in a messenger bag so I can ride my bike to work. Not this morning...F#$% that! I could barely walk down the stairs. I have to force myself tomorrow whether I can walk or not. Cardio, bitches! I'm also going to re-start my evening yoga sessions this week. 

Stress Management 
I'm finding that I am not handling stress as well as I should. The past few months I have lost my job, was in fear of losing my apartment, and then (last minute) got a new contract job. I also had people in my life that were basically sucking the energy out of me. I didn't realize this until I removed them for the picture. I have to re-start meditation and make time for relaxation. True relaxation. Our bodies need it and mine is screaming at me to just stop for at lease a day to decompress.  

I don't buy or keep junk food in my house. I am not saying I don't eat it, I just don't have it handy at home. Makes a huge difference. Three weeks ago I decided to do the same with my alcohol consumption. I don't keep any at my house. When I'm out socially, I will indulge from time to time but not to the extent as before. I will continue to cut down on processed foods. I love fresh, flavorful foods and I notice the difference when it's processed.  

Sure, I'm still fat at 45 but a little closer to fit than I was six months ago. I won't be fat forever. I feel great about the changes I'm making and know that in time all of the hard work will be worth it. I will be healthier and can enjoy the things I have missed when I was in shape. I will keep you all posted of my successes and I'm sure some failures along the way.  

Oh, for those that think I don't love my body and don't embrace who I am because I refer to myself as being "fat", you are half right. If I had loved my body, I wouldn't be out of shape and overweight.  

I love myself, I just don't like myself for what I have let happen... to myself.  Know what I mean, jelly bean?


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