10,000 Steps~ My Love/Hate Relationship with FitBit

I wear this every day. It's a Flex from FitBit. It tracks my steps and even helps monitor my sleep. I have shared this information before in other posts.

Anyway, it is a constant reminder to keep moving. It's a constant reminder that I'm not moving. Some days we rejoice together with lights and buzzing and other days it is quiet and I am shamed...

This is an average day for me. I sit in front of the computer all day. I try to add steps by using the restroom upstairs instead of the one down the hall. If I go out to lunch, I take the long way. I park far from the stores even if there is a space up front. Anything possible to get my steps higher. Since I started boot camp and now walk around the park twice a week, some days look better but I usually don't get past 5k steps. 

Recently, I started a walking schedule with a new friend. We walked and talked yesterday and half way through our walk, my bracelet was going off. All the lights lighting up and buzzing to show it's approval of my efforts. Really it was saying "It's about time, fatty." Did I mention it's mean? LOL

I was excited that I was making even more progress in my workout efforts. I got home, not only did I meet my daily goal, I even bypassed it by the number of steps I typically go on a good day. WOW!

There are those fitness experts that say this gadget is only good for athletes training for events and are a waste of time for those like.... me. I call bullshit.

There are days I hate my FitBit but I am projecting my self-loathing.


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