Has The Napa Valley Wine Train Been "De-Railed"?
Photo Source: winetrain.com |
As racial tension continues to escalate in our fine country, everything is now being scrutinized as racist. The newest target for racial discrimination allegations is The Napa Valley Wine Train.
Over the weekend, a book club made up of mostly black women, were escorted off The Napa Valley Wine Train. Staff claimed the group refused to comply with several requests that their group quiet down. These women are now claiming the actions of the staff were racially charged. These women even went as far as Tweeting the incident with the hashtag #laughingwhileblack to imply if they had been a group of white people, the staff would not have ejected them from the train. Now some Latinos are claiming similar treatment.
I read comments on post threads stating that wine tasting is a white person's hobby and that people of color can afford it and should be able to enjoy it their way. Really? What happened to
common courtesy? What happened to knowing the atmosphere you are in and behaving accordingly? I'm not saying don't have fun but if you are in a large group and enjoying wine or any other adult beverage, do you really think The Napa Valley Wine Train is the appropriate setting? It isn't a bar, it's a fine dining experience. Do these women think their raucous behavior would be appropriate in an upscale restaurant not on the rails? They would have been given their own room. It's standard. Besides, how is this group of women fully enjoying the experience? It is a beautiful ride. I have been on it with a date and it was wonderful.
My dinner group would never consider The Napa Valley Wine Train as an option. We are loud. We like to drink and joke around. We say things that other diners would be appalled. We know this about ourselves. It isn't a cultural thing, it is being an obnoxious group thing (we are mixed-raced, alternative lifestyle and politically incorrect individuals). Napa's worst nightmare! Hahaha

Napa Valley gets a "snooty" reputation and sometimes it is deserving. No bones about it. But to say it is for white people only or mixed cultures cannot enjoy what it has to offer is narrow minded.

While I acknowledge there is racism in this country (and others), I refuse to see everything being about race. Sometimes you are going to get checked, not because you are black or brown, because you are being a jerk.

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