46 Days In Redondo Beach ~ The Beach and Boardwalk

For work, I spent 46 days in Redondo Beach. I worked as the Onsite Ground Person for Yes on Measure B for Redondo Beach. It was a measure to eliminate the industrial use on AES' Redondo Beach site. 

Although I was on call 24/7 - I managed to steal away for a few hours and enjoy sand between my toes and the cool surf splashing against my legs.

This post is the first in a series documenting my time in Redondo Beach and what I learned from the whole experience.

I will start with the boardwalk and pier. 
First of all, it is deteriorating. Badly. I was able to check everything out in less than 30 minutes. All the shops are touristy. There are a couple of good places to eat but not where I would trek just for dinner. I would usually grab a bite and then head straight down to the beach. 

To the right of me, closest to Redondo Landing, is where all the tourist hang out.

To the left of me was where the locals or semi-locals hung out. The further down you walk, the further you are from the children and tourists.

I spent most of my time trying to capture the perfect wave - via iPhone. Or kicking back and reading a good book or two.

I loved the lil moments I could steal away - listening to the sea. Standing in the surf and looking out as far as the eye could see. Have you ever seen something so beautiful it makes you want to cry? Ya, it felt like that...


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