Dirty Vegas~ How Clean Is Your Hotel Room?

Well I haven't posted in awhile due to a crazy schedule and February just seems to be flying by... 

I thought I would share my latest experience in travel.
First of all I know there are a lot of hotel nightmare stories out there and studies done about how often bedspreads are washed and so forth. For that very reason I tend to be a little manic when traveling. Not too bad, I don't have an ultra violet light but after my last trip to Vegas, I am seriously considering getting one.  

I have to share these pictures with you. They are gross but it needs to happen. 

The wash cloth is on the handle of this sink because when I got up in the morning to get ready, I noticed some very dry toothpaste just kicking it in the most unusual spot of the faucet handle.... nice. 

After lining the counter top with a huge bath towel (had to put my toiletries somewhere "clean") I went to use the hair dryer. Until now I have NEVER seen such a filthy hair dryer. I am pretty sure this is also toothpaste. I know this is Vegas but... can't get the connection. Anyway I had a board meeting at 8am and had no choice. Found another face towel to hold the dyer with and proceeded to continue getting ready.

Oh, here is the other side of the nasty sink.

This here is the towel tray. Where all the clean hand towels and wash clothes are neatly folded awaiting the privilege of drying my face and hands. Not sure what it was used for in the past but I don't think I want to know. 

"How is it possible that you did not see this grossness when you checked in?", you may be asking yourself. Right when I arrived at the hotel, they didn't have an early check in unless I paid more. Screw that, so I reserved my room and checked my bags. I had a 2pm meeting and didn't have time to be messing around with the room situation. By the time my meeting was over, I rushed back upstairs so I could have my bags brought up to the room. A few other things are going on here, I need glasses, real glasses not readers... so I took a quick once through and the lighting in the rooms are dim anyway. This is Vegas, you go to your room if you can find it. Anyway. I was tired. I just wanted to kick off my shoes (just shoes, socks stay on cause I don't walk barefoot in hotel rooms) and relax before the industry mixer at 5pm. I retired a couple of hours after. I had a board meeting in the morning and needed to prepare and get some rest. 

I know, I know... but it's Vegas!! Whatever. 

I can't be out until 3am trying to score blow and hookers. 


I'm not going to disclose the hotel because every hotel is capable if this disgraceful behavior. Make sure when you travel and NO matter how much you pay for a room, invest in one of those lights. If I can see toothpaste on a faucet handle (a day later...), I'm sure that UV light would have told me what that dry stuff on the marble floor was. Shudder....


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