Dirty Vegas~ How Clean Is Your Hotel Room?
Well I haven't posted in awhile due to a crazy schedule and February just seems to be flying by...
I thought I would share my latest experience in travel.
First of all I know there are a lot of hotel nightmare stories out there and studies done about how often bedspreads are washed and so forth. For that very reason I tend to be a little manic when traveling. Not too bad, I don't have an ultra violet light but after my last trip to Vegas, I am seriously considering getting one.
I have to share these pictures with you. They are gross but it needs to happen.
The wash cloth is on the handle of this sink because when I got up in the morning to get ready, I noticed some very dry toothpaste just kicking it in the most unusual spot of the faucet handle.... nice. 

Oh, here is the other side of the nasty sink.

I know, I know... but it's Vegas!! Whatever.
I can't be out until 3am trying to score blow and hookers.
I'm not going to disclose the hotel because every hotel is capable if this disgraceful behavior. Make sure when you travel and NO matter how much you pay for a room, invest in one of those lights. If I can see toothpaste on a faucet handle (a day later...), I'm sure that UV light would have told me what that dry stuff on the marble floor was. Shudder....
I'm not going to disclose the hotel because every hotel is capable if this disgraceful behavior. Make sure when you travel and NO matter how much you pay for a room, invest in one of those lights. If I can see toothpaste on a faucet handle (a day later...), I'm sure that UV light would have told me what that dry stuff on the marble floor was. Shudder....
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