5 Toxic Friends You Need To Distance Yourself From Now!
From the early stages of childhood our driving desire is to be accepted by others. In our teens our popularity is measured by the type of friends we keep. During our early adulthood we hold on to those from school even if they have some faults. Friendship is forever and we will put up with some major shit just to keep our friends. We, as humans, have to be liked. We care what others think of us, even to the point of holding on to individuals as friends much longer than necessary. I have a very small circle of friends in my life. A couple from high school that I consider to be my closest friends. Time cannot effect our love for each other. Then there are some I reconnected with on good ole' Facebook. I have met some great individuals throughout my career and see them as much as life permits. I have been blessed by being introduced to more amazing individuals that I have only known for a few short months but feel like I have known them forever. I cherish these individuals. ...