Be Yourself

Perception Is Reality. Let's think about that for a moment. We might think we have control of how people perceive us. We talk a certain way or behave a certain way in order to make sure that other's perception of us is what we desire. Some do this subconsciously while others do this deliberately. What most don't realize is that it doesn't matter what we do or say, ultimately others will come to their own conclusions. If we are fortunate, it works in our favor. If not, well... things can get awkward. I find as I get older I don't seem to stress much about what others think of me. I think the main reason for this is that I am the same person no matter what social circle I engage in. Of course if I am around older relatives or friends that are more conservative I don't drop "F Bombs" left and right but my core personality is still intact. I try to be respectful of others comfort levels but I can confidently say that if the social circles were...