Arguing In the Street

When I first moved to Midtown I had a great flat practically right in the center of all the action. I could walk across the street and enjoy the best Mexican restaurant in the city or take in a dinner and a show a block away. Bars everywhere! On hot nights, since my apartment didn't have the best air conditioning, I would sleep in the living room with the front door ajar (security screen locked) and the windows open to bring in a nice cross breeze. Unfortunately, having the door and windows opened not only brought in the breeze but the noise from the local night life - people laughing and having a great time. On one particular night or should I say, early morning, I was rudely awakened by a couple arguing in the middle of the street. It sounded like they were right in my living room. "You were looking at her!", the girl was yelling. "No babe... it wasn't like that." replied the exasperated boyfriend. It seemed like they had been at it fore...